Homestay is a popular form of hospitality and lodging whereby visitors stay in a house of a local of the village to which they are traveling. The length of stay can vary from one night to even a year and can be free, in exchange for monetary compensation, in exchange for a stay at the guest’s property either simultaneously or at another time (home exchange), or in exchange for help on the host’s property.

Longer term home-stays are popular with students that are participating in study abroad programs. Home-stays are examples of collaborative consumption and sharing. In cases where money is not exchanged in return for accommodation, they are examples of a barter economy or gift economy.

Students that are studying abroad and wish to participate in a homestay, typically we arrange all these also we organise the academic aspect of the students program. Independent students who assume all of their own travel arrangements can contact us for the placement and we tailor their accommodation details.

Travelers that wish to participate in a home stay typically arrange them via our Home stay service. The terms of the homestay are generally worked out in advance and will include items such as the type of accommodation, length of stay, chores required to be performed (e.g., cleaning, laundering, help on a farm, collecting firewood, fetching water, cooking, ceremony), curfews, use of utilities and internet, television or telephone, and rules related to smoking, drinking, and drugs.



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